Saturday, August 08, 2015

Why Session Bonding is Better?

Don’t you want your business to perform exceptionally well? Of course, you do. And you don’t just want your business to perform well, you want it to outperform your competitors. However, it is easier said than done. We do not see that happening too often because you lack one essential component to get you there: session bonding.

What is the Big Deal about Session Bonding?

Session bonding in the world of business and productivity is a very big deal. The technology based on the Multi-Session Acceleration is a masterpiece. It is a creation that cuts off a session of a single user and divides it in to several outbound sessions. Once the session is split into several sessions, the real magic happens.
The outbound sessions optimize all the data requests across the most optimal performing path and across the quickest server possible. Session bonding, for you, works fast while producing exceptional results quicker than it was possible before.
In simple terms…
Session bonding allows you to utilize the bandwidth for the WAN tunnels or links to increase connectivity to remote application servers. We would be lying if we said session bonding is not brilliant and a reliable way to conduct business. Look at it this way:
When more than two people are downloading a file off the internet, through session bonding, they will be able to download the file across each available network link simultaneously. No one will suffer horrible speed delays for downloading the same file, resulting in an increased performance. In addition to providing businesses with increased downloading speeds, session bonding also offers businesses with another advantage, automated redundancy.

Laying Out the Advantages

Session bonding came into existence when packet-based bonding restricted businesses to reach their full potential by imposing limitations to what they could do. To combat these limitations, we came up with session bonding, which worked like a miracle for businesses who wanted to increase the productivity of their workers. Some of the limitations session bonding overcame include:
  • Session bonding offers increased stability, as packets are not being switched constantly, changing from one WAN to another.
  • Session bonding does not produce loads of retransmission of TCP packets, enabling to perform better.
  • Session bonding allows quicker application failover and does not insist on sending packets on to a link, which no longer is alive.
  •  Session bonding is a cost-effective endeavor for business, which promises lasting results.
  • Session bonding does not require the device located at the other end to recombine packets in a session, which has already been divided amongst WAN links.
  • Session bonding offers increased bandwidth for business using applications utilizing the internet.

Session bonding is one of the most optimal ways of doing business. If it is not part of your business, you are falling behind the competition that is quickly utilizing its benefits. If you want to be on the same level as your competition or a step above them, you need integrate session bonding into your business. 


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